How to Airdrop Tokens
For more detailed instructions on how to multisend your tokens, please refer to the written guide below.
Connect to your web3 wallet
To begin the process of multisending your Native Coin, ERC20 Tokens, or your NFTs, you will first need to connect to a web3 enabled wallet. We recommend using Metamask, though any web3 wallet should suffice. You will also need to ensure that your wallet contains the crypto you intend to multisend and enough to cover the cost of tx/service fees.
Select the crypto asset to multisend
In the dropdown menu you will see all your tokens and NFTs. If you do not see the token or NFT you want, then make sure that you're connected to the correct account on your wallet. Once you change accounts, the tokens in the dropdown will automatically update and you will be able to find the one you're looking for.
Prepare your data
If you are sending a native coin (i.e. ETH, BNB, FTM, AVAX or MATIC), or an ERC20 token, you will need to prepare a list with the recipient addresses and also the amounts to send to each.
If you are sending an NFT, you will need to make the following preparations:
- ERC721 - The list for this must contain the recipient wallet addresses and the ID of each NFT to be sent to the corresponding addresses.
- ERC1155 - The list for this must contain the recipient wallet addresses, the ID of each NFT to send to each address, and also the amounts to send.
For more detailed information on this, take a look at our file submission guidelines.
Once you have submitted your data and proceeded to the next step, the following may happen:
- You may not have enough tokens in your account. In this case, you will need to either reduce the amount you are sending, or you will have to deposit more tokens in your wallet.
- You may notice that you have duplicate entries. What this means is that there is at least more than one row in the data provided with the same wallet address. In this case, the amounts to send to the given wallets will be combined in order to reduce gas fees. If you do not want this to happen, then you will need to fix it manually.
- You may notice that some of the entries in the data are invalid. If this does happen, you can choose to ignore it and continue, in which case they will not be included in the batch transfer. Otherwise, you will have to edit the data and correct the errors.
Authorizing your batch transfer
This only applies when you're not sending a native currency!
In order for the Crypto Multisender smart contract to multisend your ERC20 tokens, or NFTs, you first need to give it special permission to do so. The authorization process involves you informing your token's smart contract that Crypto Multisender will be performing transfers on your behalf. This may sound complex, but we have made this step as simple as possible.
For ERC20 tokens, simply select the 'INCREASE ALLOWANCE' button and a popup window will appear. In this popup you will have the option to set the allowance to the exact amount of tokens you will multisend in the one transaction. There will also be an option to set the allowance to max, meaning that you will never have to repeat this step. Additionally, you can set a custom allowance which should be at least larger than the amount you're sending. Once you have made your selection, you will have to sign the transaction on your wallet and wait for it to be confirmed.
For NFTs, select the 'APPROVE NFT DISTRIBUTION' button and sign the transaction and wait for it to be confirmed.
Now you're all set to multisend your native coin, ERC20 tokens or NFTs. But before you do, it is recommended to quickly review your batch transfer to ensure everything is correct. If you're happy to continue, just select the 'SUBMIT AIRDROP' button and then sign the transaction on your wallet. However, please ensure that your wallet does not show any indications that the transaction will fail. If it does and you're unsure why, then contact us and we will assist you as soon as possible.